Removable prostheses, as opposed to fixed prostheses, are designed such that they can be removed, at will, by the patient. Complete dentures are made for patients who have no teeth at all whereas Partial dentures are made when some of the patient’s teeth are to be replaced.
As a rule, fixed prostheses are always given a preference over removable prostheses provided that the overall conditions in the oral cavity are favorable to support a fixed bridge. Fixed replacements are more patient friendly, do not hamper speech, and are more comfortable to eat with since they take support from adjacent teeth. Removable prostheses involve an adjustment period as far as speech is concerned since part of the denture spans across the palate. You will slowly get used to the additional bulk that is inherent in a removable denture. Also, since removable dentures derive their support from the gums covering the arches, and not from teeth; they may not feel as stable as fixed bridges, during chewing.
That being said, there are always occasions when these removable dentures are indicated and may, in fact, be the treatment of choice in certain special conditions.
Cast Partial Dentures
The presence of metal enables transmission of heat or cold, so that you may enjoy your morning cup of coffee better!

Acrylic Partial Dentures

They take support from the underlying bone and gums covering them and partly from the remaining teeth. They are retained with the help of metal clasps, which may lead to metal display especially if the front teeth are involved. Newer esthetic options such as flexible dentures with resin clasps can be used for better patient acceptance.
Flexible Dentures
However, these dentures are best used as interim dentures.

Complete Dentures

Afraid that your denture will let you down when in the company of others? Our denture specialist will ensure that you never have to worry about it. Our aim is to make the treatment enjoyable and to educate you about what to expect so that the uncertainty and anxiety that is so commonly associated with complete dentures will no longer exist.
Immediate Dentures
Another great advantage with these dentures is that if there’s anything that you do not like about your natural teeth-be it their positioning, shade or shape; you can always let us know and we’ll be happy to help! The immediate denture so made will allow you to see for yourself how your appearance can be enhanced and as these dentures are meant for a short period of 6 months, we can carry forward and further improvise in the final denture.
