Fondly referred as the “Third Dentition” that human beings can now have, the discovery of dental implants has forever changed the face of dentistry. Instead of taking support from two or more adjacent teeth to give a bridge, you can now replace your missing teeth with dental implants. Situations, in which there were no restorations possible except removable dentures, can be restored with a great deal of satisfaction and predictability with dental implant supported prostheses.
Dental implants are made of commercially pore Grade IV titanium that is placed as a substitute to the root of your missing tooth and allowed to heal for a certain period of time. After it is firmly sitting inside your jaw, a cap is given on top of the implant, which is now a part of your body. Titanium is highly biocompatible. Dental implants make it possible for us to offer you “fixed” teeth where we could earlier offer only removable dentures. In other situations, they save two intact adjacent teeth from getting cut to support a missing tooth’s cap.
The procedure to place an implant is extremely easy and requires the same kind of local anaesthesia as a tooth extraction. Usually, the procedure lasts for less than an hour. We will typically request some x-rays and scans prior to placement of implants to gauge the dimension of the proposed implant.
Implant Supported Fixed Teeth

Implant Supported Removable Teeth

Special Surgeries for Dental Implants
- Socket preservation
- Ridge split
- Ridge augmentation
- Maxillary sinus lift