Say hello to pain free endodontics! You can forget the pain, hassle of multiple visits and unreliability of root canal treatment that you may have come to associate it with. With the advanced armamentarium and skilled hands at Dental Trends, even repeating root canal treatment in teeth which have a failed treatment from the past is a breeze.
Root Canal Treatment: Why?
- Throbbing, sharp shooting, lancinating type of pain in any of your teeth that may sometimes get referred to ear, sides of head and neck
- Lingering pain that worsens on having cold foods and takes a long time to subside
- Pain on biting
- Pain that gets aggravated on lying down
- Swelling associated with pain
- Pus discharge

Root Canal Treatment: How?
Root canal treatment involves administration of local anaesthesia. After removal of decay, access to the inside of the root of the tooth – called the root canal – is obtained.The tooth is cleaned from within using a series of fine instruments called files and disinfected with various anti-microbial solutions. The root of the tooth is then filled from within with a material called gutta-percha. The access cavity is then filled. The root canal treated tooth needs protection in the form of a cap for long-term survival, especially if it is a back tooth.
Rotary Endodontics for Painless and Swift Root Canal Treatment

They also ensure a uniformly clean root canal that is easier to fill effectively, every single time. We also make use of another marvel of dental technology called apex locator, which helps us to determine precisely the length of the root canal, as against x-rays that may give rise to a false picture if solely relied upon. We do use x-rays to confirm the accuracy and quality of our root filling, again using advanced digital imaging that provides us with an x-ray picture on our computer screen instantaneously at a fraction of radiation dose compared to conventional x-rays.
Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

Post & Core

Restoring a tooth that has got totally destroyed due to decay or injury is now possible. Gaining support from the root canal space by placing a post – a pin in essence – we build up the tooth with materials that are renowned for their strength and durability. The crucial point here is attention to detail, which is one of our strengths. Depending on the tooth involved, we may choose to place a metal post or a tooth coloured fiber post. A cap is placed on the tooth later, and voila, you have your tooth back!
Endodontic Surgeries
When the tooth and the surrounding bone shows persistent infection, despite satisfactory root canal treatment, it may additionally require a small surgery. A small window is made in the bone to gain access to the tip of the root which is then excised and a filling is placed on the tip of the root to seal it from top. We will recommend this procedure to you if we find that it can add years to the life of your tooth.